Sunday, March 19, 2017

Feuds, Feuds, and More Feuds

My latest story for Town and Country magazine is a round-up of the most memorable feuds of the last century (and a little longer!). The premise being that Joan Crawford and Bette Davis are only the beginning :)

Some of the feuds are famous, such as the hatred between Wallis Simpson and the Queen Mother.

Some are less known but even juicier. :)

Two of the feuds that readers have particularly responded to are Alice Roosevelt versus Eleanor Roosevelt and Truman Capote versus Jack Kerouac, I think because in most cases there was a cruelty, a bullying of the other person. Poor Jack Kerouac was no match for Truman!

To read the story, go here.

1 comment:

  1. All fascinating stuff; I wonder how many of these people will be remembered, though? :-)
